Book Keeping


A business with a great book-keeping system operates like a well oiled machine. The accounts are well arranged, data entry is systematic and report are readily available.

Accountants love to do the tax return for a well maintained business and are able to spend more time on strategic advisory than cleaning up a book-keeping mess.


Book-Keeping Healthcheck

What state is your bookkeeping in? Not sure? Our free gift to you is to run a simple health check on your accounting data file. We look for things like

  • Correct account codes being used
  • Bank accounts reconciled correctly
  • Errors that put the accounting file out and must be corrected by the accountant
  • GST, PAYG and Superannuation reporting errors

Once we have finished, we will hand you a report of your file. There will be no charge for this. If your bookkeeping is sailing along well, fantastic. If not, we may be able to help.

Why Health-Check

Here are some of the reasons you may want to get this done on your books!

  1. You do your own books, and want to make sure you are on the right path
  2. You want to make sure your bookkeeper does a good job
  3. You have challenges with CRA, and you need to know a place to start
  4. You are selling your business, and you want to see how it is eyed from a 3rd party
  5. You need peace of mind that you are doing the right things

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